First prize for the Best Preventive Practices 2022 in the X Edition of the Asepeyo Awards

The X Edition of the Asepeyo Awards has awarded us an important first prize at the national level for the Best Preventive Practices 2022, for our project “Reduction of the risks inherent in the manual handling of loads in Bottling Plants”, where we have been able to demonstrate the improvements of our load handling processes and reduction of overexertion.

Rafael Rendón and Juan Antonio Rivas have collected the award at the Museu Marítim de Barcelona from Fernando Casado, Vice President of Asepeyo. During said gala, our director affirmed that prevention is the highest priority for our organization and recognized the efforts of all those who, without their collaboration, this award would not be possible, among others, our Prevention Technician, Francisco Gey, our Health and Safety Labor Committee, as well as the involvement and commitment of all the employees of Bodegas Fundador.

It is an honour to be among other important award-winning companies such as Mediamarkt, Danone, Ford, Generali, Sacyr, Fnac, Grifols,… and along side other finalists such as Grupo Bimbo, Henkel Ibérica, Hitachi, Norauto…

This recognition serves as a testiment to our proof that it is possible to work proactively and reap collective benefits in our organization, where the highest priority is the Prevention of Occupational Risks.